What is an Internet Service Provider – Internet service provider is a company or entity that provides Internet connection services and other services that have a relationship with one another. Most telephone companies are companies that work in the Internet service provider section. They provide Internet-related services, domain name registration, and hosting. more or less.
What is an Internet Service Provider
ISP is a large company that provides internet connection services to individual users as well as to corporate users or even businesses. Not only that, ISPs also provide infrastructure maintenance services – internet infrastructure. To be able to connect to a device (computer, laptop, or cell phone) to the internet requires telecommunications network equipment and of course a special route. Because most users don’t have access to this kind of equipment, this ISP is here to help with that. Typically, the ISP is a cellular phone company or a large cable company that offers multiple Internet services for subscription. Users usually rent the internet network access by subscribing to this ISP company.
Types of Internet Service Providers
- Dial Up
Dial-up is an internet connection from the ISP that will be generated via a cable connection on the parts of a conventional landline. This type of connection – this internet connection has the slowest speed, which is around 56 Kbps.
- Digital Subscriber Line
DSL is a type of internet connection that has been generated by the ISP from a landline connection by utilizing a broadband network, which has speeds above dial-up services in general, the speed of the network ranges from 200 Kbps to 8 Mbps.
that’s information about the topic of internet service providers that I can share for those of you who may need this information, I as the author of this article would like to apologize if in the article I made there are words that should not be said and can make you as offended readers.