What Is Internet Banking (Important For Today’s Life)


What is Internet Banking
What is Internet Banking

What is Internet Banking – Electronic Banking E-banking, also known as internet e-banking, is an activity that performs a form of transaction, payment, and other transactions through the internet network with websites, platforms, bank applications that have been equipped with security systems. .

What is Internet Banking

What is Internet Banking
What is Internet Banking

Internet banking is a form of service that performs activities or activities in the form of banking transactions through an internet network. This is a form of banking activity that utilizes internet technology as a medium to be able to carry out a transaction activity and get various other information easily by means of a bank’s website. This activity uses the internet network as an intermediary or liaison between the customer and the bank without having to go to the bank office directly but doing it virtually. Customers can use desktop computers, laptops, tablets, or a smartphone that is connected to the internet network as a liaison between the customer’s device and bank systems that are equipped with security.

Internet Banking Features

Features of this internet banking service include general information on a savings or checking account, deposit accounts, information on account mutations, fund transfers, both transfers between accounts and between banks, purchase of credit, information services such as interest rates and exchange rates, and payments – payments, such as telephone payments, internet, pay TV, electricity and various other types of payments.

That’s the information that I can convey to all of you about the topic of internet banking, if possible in this article there is an error either in the way of conveying the information or even words that are intentionally or unintentionally thrown so as to make you as a reader feel uncomfortable and feel intimidated. , I as the author of this article would like to apologize profusely, that’s all I can say to all of you. See you in the next article….
