What Is Cyber ​​Bullying ( Important For Us To Know )

What is Cyber ​​Bullying
What is Cyber ​​Bullying

What is Cyber ​​Bullying – Intimidation in cyberspace or bullying in cyberspace is a form of violence experienced by children or adolescents and is carried out by friends of their age through cyberspace or through the internet.

What is Cyber ​​Bullying

What is Cyber ​​Bullying
What is Cyber ​​Bullying

Cyberbullying (bullying carried out in cyberspace) is bullying / bullying using digital technology that we often use in our daily lives. This can happen on social media, chat platforms, chat platforms or voice chat when playing games, and on mobile phones. there is also according to Think Before Text, cyberbullying is an aggressive behavior and aims to be carried out by a group or individual human, using electronic media, repeatedly from time to time so that it can make the victim sad, angry or even cry, against someone who it is considered not easy to be able to fight against the actions that have befallen the victim. So in this case, there is a difference in strength between the perpetrator and the victim concerned. The difference in strength in this case refers to a perception of the physical and mental capacities of the two parties concerned.

Examples of Cyber ​​Bullying

  1. Spreading a lie about someone who has been targeted or it could take the form of posting an embarrassing photo of someone on social media.
  2. Sending a message or threat that could be hurtful through a chat platform, by writing a hurtful word in the comments column of social media, or posting something embarrassing/hurtful to the intended person.
  3. Impersonating or impersonating someone to be able to bring down that person (eg by creating a fake account or logging in through someone’s account) and sending malicious messages to others on behalf of those they want to destroy.
  4. Setting up or creating a site or even a group (group chat room) that contains hate about someone who is intended or with the aim of being able to spread hatred against someone who wants to be dropped.

From the information above, we know that things like this we must avoid and should not do so that other people do not feel sad, hurt, upset, cry, or even revenge that can cause disaster to come to both parties. Hopefully this article can educate you all and be useful for all of us.