What is a CV (Need For Job Application)

what is cv
what is cv

What is a CV – A curriculum vitae or curriculum vitae is a document that provides an overview of a person’s experiences and other qualifications.

What is CV

what is cv
what is cv

Curriculum Vitae or CV is an important document that contains personal history or about a person’s life history, for example such as personal data, professional or work experience, academic or even non-academic achievements, hobbies, skills and so on. This important document is often likened to a resume or a cover letter. Even though these three documents are very different in their content, purpose and function of making this document.

This curriculum vitae is used to be able to write about the chronology of life, the achievements in a life that each of these creators have experienced, the quality of life that is described in more than two pages of explanations – explanations. While the resume is a document that contains work experience and achievements in accordance with the job job that has been applied for. This cover letter is a reason and motivation to apply for the job. These two important documents are written in approximately 1 page.

CV benefits

The benefit of the Curriculum Vitae is to explain about personal information, information about ourselves, personal data and so on. With a CV, everyone who reads and checks a person’s CV will be able to know and examine each person from the personal information that has been provided by that person, and can give a picture of a person with how he goes through activities or from his specifications in education and in organization. . In other words, the benefits of a CV explain self-criteria in the form of a text.

That’s the information that I can convey to all of you, I hope that by making this article it can help answer the questions that you have about this cv, for more or less, I apologize profusely to all of you who have visited and supported methodku.com this, see you in the next article, okay?