
Functional Extensions in VSCode – Hi friends, meet us again. how are you today? We hope you are always in good health. In this article, we will discuss various types of extensions that are very useful to use during the coding process. The hope is that with this article, it will be able to help a lot of friends to make it easier and speed up the coding process.
Talking about text code editors, Visual Studio Code is one of the most popular and widely used text editor software today. This is of course because this software can be used for many programming languages.
The features in this software continue to grow, especially debugging, intellisense, emmet and others. In addition, this one text editor has many extensions which of course also have their respective functions. Here we will present some extensions that will make it easier for you:
VSCode Extension Recommendations
- Auto Rename Tags
auto rename tags This tag has a function to rename the tag name if there is a change in one of the tags, both the opening tag and closing tag. This extension will be quite helpful when you create large amounts of source code. If you want to make changes to the tag name, then you can simply change one of them.
- Auto Close Tags
auto close tags Auto close tag has a function to add a closing html tag. With this function, you will more quickly do the coding process for web or application development.
- One Dark Pro
one dark pro An extension that serves to make your code project look more colorful and designed so that our eyes don’t get tired quickly when working.
- Prettier
prettier This extension will help you with the formatting. Its function is to beautify the order and structure of the code. You can configure this extension to your liking on the settings page.
- Lens Error
lens error As the name implies, the error lens, this extension serves to show errors or errors in certain lines.
Well, that’s all the explanations and information we can convey, meet again in the next article!