What is UNIX? (Complete explanation along with features


What is unix?
What is unix?

What is UNIX? – Hello friends, meet us again. How are you friends today? we hope you stay healthy. At this meeting we will discuss about one of the operating systems, namely Unix. Many of you may still be unfamiliar with this one operating system. Naturally, because most people only know operating systems such as Windows, Linux, and macOS. Therefore, we present an article about unix in order to add information for you.

As we know, the operating system is an important part of a computer. If an analogy, the operating system is a container that is used to regulate the existence and running of application software and hardware on the computer. As explained earlier, that most people only know windows, linux, MacOS and so on, but rarely with unix.

Definition of Unix

Unix Operating System
Unix Operating System

Unix is ​​an operating system that was developed in 1965. The existence of this unix was created through a project called Multiplexed Information and Computing Service (Multics). The hope of this project is that UNIX will become an operating system that can perform multitasking, portable and multiuser. Project Multics is funded by the US Department of Defense.

In 1969, this project experienced delays and was discontinued because it could not be completed on time. But in the same year, two Multics researchers plan to continue the multics project that has been replaced.

Unix Operating System Features

Each operating system has different characteristics because it has a different development company. The characteristics of UNIX include:

  1. Multitasking, can run several programs at the same time.
  2. Multiuser, can be run or operated by users or users at the same time.
  3. Portable, can be run on all types of computers.
  4. Not yet have an attractive design or visuals.

You need to know, there are approximately 40 software that adopts UNIX starting from those developed by well-known parties and not. Of the many software, the most common is Linux.

That’s all the information that we can present this time, hopefully it can be useful, see you in the next article~
