What Is Typography (For More Below)

what is typography
what is typography

What is Typography – Hello everyone, on this occasion, I will share an information about what I have written in the title above…., read this article until it’s finished. arranging some letters with many settings for their distribution in the space that is already available, to be able to create certain impressions, in order to make reading comfortable as much as possible.

What is Typography

what is typography
what is typography

It can also be used in the creation of websites. With this typography, you can compose and organize some text that is easy for website visitors to understand. If you have never understood how to create a website, don’t worry, you can learn with Dicoding. Please check out the Basic Learning of Web Programming class to learn how to create a simple website. This typography has a main function, namely as a means to be able to convey some information. Submission of this information must be able to make the reader feel comfortable when he is looking at the writing or from the text. Without the principles that can regulate it, this typography itself will not be able to function properly.

That’s some information that I can convey to all of you, okay…., if you don’t understand what I’ve explained to you all, you can provide information in the comments column about what you don’t understand, use it in clear words or sentences. and understandable, this is useful so that I can answer your questions clearly, I am here as the author of this content article, I want to apologize if in writing the words in this article, there is a word that is not polite, whether it’s with how to do it intentionally or unintentionally, that’s all I can say to you all, thank you for taking the time to visit, see you in the next article …