
What is a Blog Platform – A blog is a site that contains some content, including information, opinions, experiences or anything that has been published by the author/blog owner as posts on a web page. This blog can be a platform for writers to work and create content to attract traffic from visitors. Unlike the case with websites, blogs tend to be dynamic because usually the author will load his writing regularly and will continue to update. The content on a blog is actually almost the same as a website platform such as images, videos, photos or any information that has been published by the author or blog owner.
What is a Blog Platform
What is a Blog Platform

Blogs and blogging are forms of an activity that was originally carried out for news media segments and various information such as newspapers, then has developed more quickly into a platform to be able to update information as it is today to become a forum for distributing information. blogging interests and hobbies. To be precise, up to 2003, WordPress was created, and offers various conveniences in the form of features for people who are commonly referred to as bloggers. Apart from being a place to be able to channel an interest and hobby of blogging, a blog can also be a place to make money by working with advertising.
That’s the least information about blogs, if you want to give suggestions or criticisms about the articles that I made or you want to request what the title of the next article is, you can leave it in the comments section. For those of you who still feel confused and don’t know about the article that I have made, you can leave it in the comments column below, short, solid and clear. Thank you also to all of you who have taken the time to visit this methodku.com website, I hope you are all always in good condition and always protected by God. See you in the next articles…