What is Quora?


What is Quora? Quora is a social question and answer website based in Mountain View, Calnifornia. Founded on June 25, 2009. Users can collaborate by editing questions and commenting on answers that have been submitted by other users.

The income they get is 20 million USD in 2018. And other languages ​​are available besides English. Quora allows users to ask and answer questions on each question that will be given to you. And also users can declare themselves as experts in certain categories.

Features On Quora

  • Home page.
  • Features to answer your questions.
  • Room.
  • Notifications.
  • Profile.
  • Asking question.
  • Ask for answers.
  • Add comments.

You can also use Quora This is a stall for those of you who want to become investors. And can also make money from Quora the. The meaning of the word Qourum is what made Adam and Charlie and finally choose the name Quora this. If on other social media, you may have to have a second account to make someone anonymous or unknown.


In Quora you don’t have to. Quora has provided a special feature for users who want to share stories anonymously. That is an anonymous feature that can make you famous. You can also create your own community so that you can attract fellow users to make it more memorable and beautiful when viewed.

Generally Quora is someone who has a hobby of reading and writing. For them Quora one alternative to channel and spill all their creativity on their respective hobbies. And it can also be the coffers of money they can make.

Who uses Quora it also varies. They also come from various walks of life. In general, it also comes from various experts in uncertain fields. If you understand Quora You can increase your knowledge and insight. Which you basically don’t understand but now it’s because of learning about Quora this.

Well, here is a brief explanation of What is Quora?. If you find an error sentence that can make you not understand, please forgive. Thanks.

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