What is a Wiggle in After Effects – Expression Wiggles in After Effects (or AE Wiggle) are a great way to make objects move randomly, have some kind of idle motion in character joints, animate random camera Wiggles, create wobbly text or animate flickering lights.
What is a Wiggle in After Effects
Even though Wiggle is a popular Expression that I pretty much use in every other Project, I often find myself sitting at my desk, realizing, that I’ve once again forgotten how to properly syntax Wiggle Expressions or how to achieve some of the more advanced Wiggle techniques. My over-optimized After Effects PC is just waiting for my commands, but I need a quick copy &paste from Expression Wiggle so I can get started.
What is a Wiggle in After Effects
Or maybe you’re a newbie who’s heard of taking your Motion Designs and 2D Animations to the next level by applying a Wiggle to multiple objects. Anyway, here’s everything I’ve learned and come across about AE Wiggle over my years as a Motion Designer. Adding Keyframes to layer animations or exporting your compositions to Video MP4s are examples of some of the very basic things everyone does in After Effects.
At its core, After Effects Wiggle Expressions (like many other Expressions) are premade Functions, called, that take your (input) parameters, do some magic with them, and return the changed values. Over time it wiggles the value.
Think of it this way: Ever seen that Pizza Vending Machine? Well, your input & parameters are your money, as well as the toppings you choose, and the finished pizza that you give is the returned value. Expression function is Pizza Vending Machine. If you choose another topping, you will have a different Pizza as the end result.
That’s a brief understanding of Wiggle in After Effects from me, I hope this article can help those of you who are looking for information about Wiggle in After Effects. That’s all from me, sorry if there are any wrong words from me as the author of this article and thank you for taking the time to visit the article I made and for visiting our method website.