Multisite System in WordPress (Differences and Advantages)


multisite system on wordpress
multisite system on wordpress

Multisite System in WordPress – As we know before, wordpress is a website builder platform for beginners. With this platform you can easily create a website because the system is like a template, but needs to be customized first. However, in addition to being easy to use, WordPress also provides a feature that allows you to create more than one website, or what is called a multisite.

What is Multisite?


Multisite on wordpress is installing WordPress only once on your hosting server, you can run as many websites as you want. The advantage of wordpress in multisitea is the installation process, the results are exactly the same as the installation process and the results are carried out as usual, have the same folder structure, the same core files and the same database. It can be interpreted that installing a multisite network is not complicated and updating multisite is the same as updating a normal wordpress.

In fact, all the implementation and management of templates and plugins can be installed only once compared to when you have more than one wordpress and install it repeatedly. You will also use less server space, and save storage compared to installing wordpress separately on each site.

Difference Between Multisite and Regular WordPress

There are several things that are different in the appearance and system between multisite and ordinary wordpress. What are the differences?

  1. admin screen, the appearance of the wordpress dashboard that can only be managed by the super admin will be different between ordinary wordpress and multisite wordpress.
  2. Multisite Website Files, files wp-config.php will have some extra lines when using the multisite feature. Folders wp-uploads filled with subfolders for each multisite website. Files uploaded to each site will be saved to the site’s own folder with the usual structure.
  3. databases, the next difference is the database for a standard wordpress installation has 11 database tables to store the content and site settings. But it’s different in multisite networks, nine of them are duplicated for each site, meaning if you have many sites, you will also have many tables. You don’t have to worry about this, because wordpress will manage all the database management.

So much information that we can convey about the multisite system on wordpress, hopefully the information we provide is useful.
