What is Windows Power Plan – A Power Plan is a collection of hardware and system settings that manage how your PC, laptop or tablet uses power. The available Power Plans depend on the type of PC you have and whether or not the manufacturer adjusts the default Power Plans available in Windows. Some Power Plans are designed to deliver high performance while sacrificing battery life while others are built so that you get as much battery life as possible while sacrificing performance. In Windows, you can see all available power plans in the Power Options window.
What is Windows Power Plan
What is Windows Power Plan
If you have Windows 10 with Fall Creators Update or later, you might be wondering why you also see the power slider when you click or tap on the battery icon. That power slider adds new power-saving algorithms and technologies, on top of the active Power Plan, which must be balanced. the power slider doesn’t change the active Power Plan! If you want to learn more about its benefits and how it can help you save battery, read this guide: Use the Windows 10 power slider to save battery or improve performance.
The Power Plan contains hardware and system settings that affect your computer’s power management. By default, Windows has three power plans: Power Saver, Balanced (which is recommended by Microsoft) and High Performance. The most visible changes that Windows makes when you choose a Power Plan affect screen brightness, the time until the display dims and then shuts down, and the time until your computer is put to sleep. This change also differs depending on whether your computer is on battery or plugged into a power supply. Below is a comparison between the settings of each Power Plan, for each of the two modes: on battery and plugged in.
That’s a brief understanding of the Windows Power Plan from me, hopefully this article can help those of you who are looking for information about the Windows Power Plan. That’s all from me, sorry if there are any wrong words from me as the author of this article and thank you for taking the time to visit the article I made and for visiting our method website.