What is a String (Programmers Must Know This)

What is String
What is String

What Are Strings – Hi visitors, how are you all there?, I hope you are in good condition, healthy and always protected by each god that you adhere to. So on this occasion, I will bring an article about what I have written as the title above, the String data type is a data type that has the function of being able to accommodate many characters at once. String is a data type for text which is a unit of combination – a combination of letters, numbers, whitespace (spaces), and various other characters. This function is used to create a String/text identifier.

What is String

What is String
What is String

What is String

A string or what is also known as a string in computer programming is a series of symbols. This string data type is a data type that can be used to store sequences of characters. A string is generally considered to be a data type and is often implemented as a byte (or word) array data structure that does store sequences of elements, usually such as characters, using some encoding or character symbols. Strings can also denote the more general arrays or other sequence (or list) data types and structures. When a string has appeared literally in the source code place, it is known as a string literal or it can also be called an anonymous string.

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