What is AE (Read more below)

What is AE
What is AE

What is AE – Hello everyone, welcome to (methodku.com), how are you all?, I hope you are all in good health, and for those who are sick, may their illness be lifted quickly by each of your gods. On this occasion I will share information about editing software that is often used by many people, namely, Adobe After Effects, Adobe After Effects, a software product that has been developed by the big company Adobe, this software is often used for films and post production. on videos. At first it was a software product from Macromedia which has now become one of Adobe’s proprietary products.

What is AE

What is AE

What is AE
What is AE

Hello everyone, welcome to (methodku.com), how are you all?, I hope you are all in good health, and for those who are sick, may their illness be lifted quickly by each of your gods. On this occasion I will share information about editing software that is often used by many people, namely, Adobe After Effects, Adobe After Effects, a software product that has been developed by the big company Adobe, this software is often used for films and post production. on videos. At first it was a software product from Macromedia which has now become one of Adobe’s proprietary products. Adobe After Effects is a software that can be used as a very professional editing software that can meet the needs of Motion Graphic Design. With the combination of a variety of Design software that now exists, Adobe After Effects is one of the Design software that is at a reliable level. After Effects can be used to create all types of animations and all types of motion graphics

That’s a little information about one of the editing software from adobe, if you feel something makes you lacking, you can leave a question for us to answer under this article, write comments well and easy to understand, I as the author of this article would like to ask sorry if in the article that I made there was a word that was uncomfortable for all of you as a visitor, please forgive me as much as possible…., maybe that’s all I can convey to you all, see you all in the next article… ..