Difference between Java and JavaScript (You Need to Know)


difference between java and javascript
difference between java and javascript

Difference between Java and JavaScript – Do you know what is the difference between Java and Javascript? At first glance, it may have the same name, and not a few students do not understand the difference between Java and Javascript. Previously let us discuss the definition or understanding of both.

Difference between java and javascript
Difference between java and javascript

Java is a computer programming language used for back-end system development. Back-end is everything related to servers, such as web servers, database servers and others. Or we can call the system behind the scenes. Why is the Java programming language not used in front-end system development? because to make the appearance of the website and to develop a website using the Java language is still quite difficult.

JavaScript is a programming language that is generally used to develop a website in its appearance, or we can call it Front-end. Front – end is everything related to the appearance of the website, or we can call the display that is seen by the user.

What is the Difference between Java and JavaScript?

So what exactly is the difference between Java and Javascript? For those of you who don’t know, take a look at the explanation that we have summarized below

1. Usage

In terms of usage, java and javascript are certainly different. As explained in the understanding section earlier, Javascript is used for the front – end or related to the appearance of the website. While the Java programming language is used for system development related to the server / behind the scenes or what we can call the back – end.

2. Compile

In Java programming is generally called the programming process, while in JavaScript it is generally called scripting. Actually scripting is also a programming process because it uses the same program code and the same coding process. But in pure programming like java we need to use a compiler to run on a browser, while scripts don’t need a compiler to run on a browser.

3. Development

Java and JavaScript are developed by different companies. The Java programming language was developed by James Gosling when he was still at Sun Microsystems. What about JavaScript? JavaScript was developed by Brendan Eich of the Netscape company.

4. Convenience Level

For a novice programmer, JavaScript is much easier than Java.

5. Writing

In Javascript we need to insert a script in the html language so that it can run properly. In contrast to Java, this language can be run alone without the need to be embedded in a particular programming language.

6. Syntax

In terms of development, of course, the two are different, the Java language was developed from the C/C++ language, while the JavaScript was developed from the C language. Although both are developed from the same language, JavaScript does not contain the Java programming language at all. In terms of complexity, java is more complicated than javascript

That’s the Difference between Java and Javascript. Thank you for stopping by this article, hopefully the information we provide is useful, happy learning, friends.
