What is Ibis Paint?


What is Ibis Paint
What is Ibis Paint

What is Ibis Paint? – In today’s era, the maximum use of smartphones provides benefits for everyone. Starting from saving costs, saving time, and others. There are many forms of using the smartphone, for example, when you want to draw but don’t have writing tools, you can use the digital drawing application on your smartphone. One of them is Ibis Paint.

Ibis paint is a digital drawing application that is used to draw on your cellphone and you can use it for free. Besides being free, the use of this application is not complicated or easy to operate. Definitely very suitable for beginners who want to express themselves through pictures.

Ibis paint can be used by all devices. However, it is more recommended to be used by smartphone and tablet mobile device users.

This application provides many advantages for us, especially in terms of cost savings. Just try to compare in terms of practicality. Drawing on a drawing book or canvas will cost more, of course, we need a lot of tools. With Ibis Paint, we can use various tools that we don’t need to carry, such as drawing in a picture book, its use is also free.

What are the Features Provided by Ibis Paint

In addition to its free use, Ibis Paint also provides many features, which will certainly make it easier for you to draw. What are its features? Pay attention to the following explanation!

  • Online Gallery Features

    Online gallery features
    Online gallery features

This feature contains images from other users, which we can use for drawing references when we experience art blocks or have difficulty drawing certain objects.

  • Image Import Feature

    image import feature
    image import feature

This feature is certainly very useful, especially when we are going to use some images as a reference in our project. Just import the image and then we can see it in one canvas but in different layers.

  • Brush features
    Ibis paint brush
    Ibis paint brush

    Example of a brush
    Example of a brush

Ibis Paint provides approximately 70 different textures. Starting from pens, pencils, paint brushes, sequins, Japanese calligraphy and many more. This also applies to erase brushes, this application provides a variety of textures for erasing brushes

That’s a glimpse of Ibis Paint, for further information we will update soon, see you soon!
