What is IPOT (You Must Know!)

What is IPOT
What is IPOT

What is IPOT – IPOT or Indo Premier Sekuritas is the largest private securities company in Indonesia that offers investment in the capital market by serving individual and corporate customers based on the Financial Services Authority (OJK) license number KEP-11/PM/PPE/1996 and according to data from Bloomberg, Indo Premier as a national securities subsidiary was in the top position in the bond market competition in the first semester of 2019 with a transaction volume of Rp. 10 trillion (20 percent market share) and as of 31 August 2019 was in second position in stock trading with a transaction volume of Rp. 1.9 trillion (mastering a market share of 12.9 percent).

What is IPOT


What is IPOT

Initially founded in 1996 under the name Puridana Sekurindo, [1] in 2002, the founders of Indo Premier bought this securities company and it was named PT Indo Premier Securities which later changed to PT Indo Premier Sekuritas in 2017.

In its line of business, Indo Premier is engaged in securities brokerage, securities underwriting, and investment management. Related customers can be divided into 2 different categories, namely Retail and Institutions. Until now, Indo Premier is one of the securities companies that have a very large role in these 2 categories.

That’s a brief understanding of IPOT from me, hopefully this article can help those of you who are looking for information about IPOT. That’s all from me, sorry if there are any wrong words from me as the author of this article and thank you for taking the time to visit the articles that I made and for visiting our my method website.