
What is Telegram – Is a platform or application for instant messaging service that is multi-platform cloud-based that is free or non-profit. The Telegram client is available for mobile phone devices as well as for computer systems. These users can send messages and exchange photos, videos, stickers, audio, and other types of files.
What is Telegram

What is Telegram
is an instant messaging service platform or application that is a cloud-based multiplatform and is free and non-profit. We can not only use it through a mobile device, what is it?, this Platrom or this application can be used through devices such as PCs. Telegram is a cloud-based messenger application that has a fairly smooth synchronization process.
That’s a glimpse of the information that I can convey to you all, hopefully this article can help you. I, as the author of this article, would like to apologize if in this article there are words that can hurt the reader. And also want to thank you for visiting this article, maybe if you want to ask questions about this topic. Maybe that’s all I can say to you all. That’s all and thank you. See you all in the next informational articles. . . .