What is a Printer


What is a Printer – a printing press is a device that is able to display data in the form of a printed form, either in the form of text or images/graphics, standing on a piece of paper. The printer is usually divided into several parts, namely the grinder as a tool for pulling paper from the tray shape. Tray is a place to put paper.

What is a Printer

What is a Printer


A printer is a hardware device that is external to a computer that can display computer data in the form of a print, the data can be in the form of text or images that are intentionally printed into media in the form of paper, cloth and others. can also be interpreted as an electromechanical device that can convert a digital data (text or image) into a physical form that can be held. The printer itself began to be found precisely in the 19th century. At first the working system of this printer was still using a mechanical system and around that existed in 1968 an electronics company from Japan (Epson) introduced a printer that worked well electronically.

That’s a glimpse of the information that I can convey to you all, hopefully this article can help you. I, as the author of this article, would like to apologize if in this article there are words that can hurt the reader. And also want to thank you for visiting this article, maybe if you want to ask questions about this topic. Maybe that’s all I can say to you all. That’s all and thank you. See you all in the next informational articles. . . .