What is Editing

What is Editing
What is Editing

What is Editing – is an effort to tidy up and make a movie show more useful and enjoyable to watch.

What is Editing

What is Editing

What editing is that
What editing is that

Is a process that connects images from several single shoots so that they can become a unified whole story. Just as it is possible to write a story, a shoot can also be said to be meaningful words, sentences and scenes and sequences are paragraphs. A story will be complete if there are these elements, it is the same with movies. the process of editing video clips resulting from a shooting process, where in this process an editor must be able to select and edit images in the form of a video by sorting out video clips, or what is called cut to cut then combine the pieces of the video to make a complete video to later become a video that is nice to watch.

That’s a glimpse of the information that I can convey to you all, hopefully this article can help you. I, as the author of this article, would like to apologize if in this article there are words that can hurt the reader. And also want to thank you for visiting this article, maybe if you want to ask questions about this topic. Maybe that’s all I can say to you all. That’s all and thank you. See you all in the next informational articles.